

Swedish PolarbearsThe year was 1869. It was a good year for Sweden them days. They had no snow, they had no summer, in fact – they had nothing. All they had was a big bowl of onion soup. Many people in Sweden were confused. They did not understand this season. Where was the sun? They chanted. Where was the rain? And yet, all they had was this bowl of onion soup. Three years later, after many years of darkness and this onion soup, a wise man appeared. All the people of Sweden would point and say: Who is this wise man? One man did come forth. His name was Beergongergergle… And he said: Do not fear, people of Sweden, for there is a reason behind your bowl of onion soup. It is called onions! Everyone did agree that he was a very wise man.

Who is this wise man? One man did come forth. His name was Beergongergergle…

Now, dear reader, you might wonder what this has to do with the Swedish Polarbears.
The saga continues…

One brave lad came forth and said: What do you mean wise man? This doesn’t make any sense! And the wise man replied: Come forth young man, what is your name? And he said: My name is Swedish Polarbears. And that’s it. That is how it all began.

Some say the band started in 2006, with the boys from tremendously underrated swedish girl/boy jangly indiepopband moa:: bringing a friend with crescent rolls, beer and a guitar to their all male and very manly rehersals.


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